
Showing posts from February, 2017

How to handle Visceral abdominal fat ?

I'm going to reveal to you the exciting details of a brand new, breakthrough formula so powerful that it's been shown through peer-reviewed research to help you significantly shrink your waist while burning up to FIVE times more fat -- yes that's right, nearly 5xs faster fatloss! Best yet, when you secure your order today, we're making it EASIER than ever to get your hands on this "belly-burning miracle" with HUGE discounts and FREE shipping -- all while helping you drop flab and shrink your waistline at FIVE times the speed.

Buckets(Mental emotions) & happiness ?

How full is your "bucket"? For those not familiar with the term, your "bucket" represents your mental and emotional self. Of course, you want your bucket to be full, even overflowing. When it is, you feel fulfilled and happy; you're calm, pleasant, patient and friendly. You're more likely to fill the buckets of others, because your bucket is full yourself (key lesson: you can't make an impact and fill others' buckets when your bucket is empty). But how do you get a full bucket and keep your bucket full? 1. Fill other people's buckets 2. Guard your bucket with your "lid" against bucket dippers (people and things/activities that drain your bucket) 3. Heavily rely on bucket swapping (reciprocal friendships)

Eat Snacks before going to bed to reduce your Fat

Hey it's Tim Skwiat, Head Nutrition Coach here at BioTrust, and you may have heard that eating before bed is a big-time "no no" for those looking to lose weight. In fact, you've probably even heard that eating late at night will undoubtedly cause you to GAIN weight...even worse! Well, there's good news, and that good news is that not every food that you eat past 7PM will be automatically deposited to your butt, thighs, and love handles. In fact, there are certain foods that you can eat as a late-night snack that can actually INCREASE your fatloss results! The key is knowing which foods to eat, and which to avoid, as the evening progresses. Here's a good rule of thumb: Avoid carbs before bed in favor of slow-digesting high-quality protein. Carbohydrate consumption causes significant rise in the storage hormone insulin, which also puts the breaks on fat-burning. That's a recipe for disaster in the late evening hours as your metabolism is ...

There aren't many foods better than cabbage sauerkraut.

If you want to cleanse your gut, there aren't many foods better than cabbage sauerkraut.  Sauerkraut is rich in vitamin A and vitamin C -- both of which contain significant anti-inflammatory properties.  Not only that, but certain types of sauerkraut have been tested to contain billions of probitiocs per serving which kill off pathogens in the gut while also replenishing the beneficial flora in your digestive tract. Problem is, store-bought sauerkraut is all but devoid of probiotics due to industrial processing and manufacturing methods, and home-brewed sauerkraut is both time consuming and inconvenient. Enter a new, much easier way to cleanse your gut: You see, due to exposure to an array of common foods, beverages, and over-the-counter medicines, 9 out of 10 people's guts have been infested with toxic, parasitic bacteria that is DESTROYING their health and making it virtually impossible for them to drop fat from their biggest problem areas...and that very likely means ...