How Critical is to Stop the Fire Spreading when a Building is on Fire ?

Fire is one of the leading causes of accidental deaths worldwide - but one of the most preventable! A little precaution goes a long way. A fire in your building could mean total devastation - get the facts on passive fire protection to minimize the spread of fire in your facilities. While every facility professional will do what he or she can to ensure that a fire never begins in the first place, the next step is knowing how to minimize its spread. There are three critical elements of a building’s passive fire protection system. Fire barriers (walls), fire doors, and fire dampers, together they make up the fire-rated separations that allow for compartmentation of a building in the face of a fire. In high-rise buildings such as hotels and apartment complexes, fire barriers are present not only in walls, but between floors as floor/ceiling assemblies to prevent the fire/smoke from spreading vertically.